CKY’s ‘Sumaziba Chabe’ delves into the enigmatic nature of human relationships. Produced by Yangailo & Dj Roy, the track unravels the reality that we never truly know those around us. Through its evocative beats and poignant lyrics, it sheds light on the presence of hidden intentions and deceit. A compelling reflection on the complexities of trust and discernment in a world veiled by ambiguity.”
🔥 Ama Deyruch is back with a bang! 🔥 "AWAAA!!!" is the latest anthem, packed…
🔥 Cleo IceQueen drops fire with "Ma Pressure" ft. Dizmo & 76 Drums! 🔥 This…
🔥 Derikizo ft. Dayostar x Cute Savage – Teti 🎶💥 The trio delivers a hard-hitting…
BJM ft Banx546 & Chimzy Kelly – "Munthu Wakuda" 🔥🎶 This powerful track speaks on…
🔥 Bryan Kombweke – Ama mmhh (Nayewa) 🔥 Bryan Kombweke delivers a soulful and emotional…
🔥 Lusaka Province United – I Wish (The Cypher) 🔥 Lusaka’s finest MCs unite on…