“Embark on an insightful journey with Necha VK as he hosts this week’s episode of the ZedHouse Radio Show, featuring the dynamic DJ Shana, one of Zambia’s rapidly ascending artists. In an exclusive interview, DJ Shana shares his triumphant return to the music industry, delving into his latest song, navigating competition, and aspirations to surpass established musicians in Zambia. Tune in for an engaging dialogue that unveils the artist’s resilience and ambitions. The ZedHouse Radio Show airs live on FeelFree Radio every Saturday at 10 AM. Don’t miss this captivating exploration of the Zambian music scene! 🎶📻 #ZedHouseRadio #DJShana #ZambianMusic #FeelFreeRadio”
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Musicians tell Yo Maps to withdraw statement regarding Dandy’s funeral contributions MUSICIANS across the country…
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